Tiny Tikes Take on the Capitol Limited

Kids on Capitol Limited

As a single mom with two kids, Hannah usually has her hands full. But according to her, when she rides from Toledo, Ohio, to Chicago, “Amtrak gives you those extra set of hands you need at times.”

During their recent journey on the Capitol Limited, they spent time tracking the train’s progress on a map, looking out the window, and (gasp!) not playing on their tablets. “The kids loving seeing things like schools or downtown areas and recognizing how their train is part of everyone else’s life in a way,” she says.

For other moms interested in creating lifelong memories on the rails, Hannah has a few important pieces of advice. She begins with the magic word: Ask.

“Don’t be afraid to ask for help, she says. “Amtrak staff are so helpful and even other passengers. If you need help getting off the train, ask. If you need help getting a bag down, ask.”

Hannah also suggests giving smaller travelers a sense of responsibility while enjoying the safety of the train.

“My children are 11 and 4. They both were in charge of wearing their own backpacks and pulling their own little luggage,” she says. “It gives them a sense of independence and lets them feel part of all the energy going on around them.”

Best of all? “The kids and I could stretch out and cuddle even while talking about what we were going to see or what we had seen,” she says.

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