Love on the Rails

Love on the Rails


We asked you to send us your Amtrak love stories in anticipation of  Valentine’s Day and we got some heart-warming tales of love on the rails! Read on to hear how real life Amtrak-ers met their S.O.’s!

“Two years ago I was on the Acela.  A man next to me kept trying to start a conversation.  I was preparing for an international move within 6 weeks and had no interest in meeting someone new. Then he mentioned that he had a trip coming up to London. That was the magic word — I adored the city. I turned toward him, smiled widely, and excitedly fired away questions. After we parted ways, he wrote an email 3 days later. After a meeting up in different parts of the world, we knew this was something special.  We got engaged in November and plan to get married in 2 months!  What’s even funnier is that your change ticket policy allowed BOTH of us to change our tickets to the earlier train that day! In essence, we wouldn’t be here today, embracing the love we have for each other, without Amtrak. Amtrak  will always have a special place in our hearts.”  Todd and Jennifer (soon to be) Billet

“I met my husband Pat in college. Fast forward through his graduation and some late, long teary nights, Pat moved to just outside of D.C. For the 2 years following, I was on Amtrak from 30th Street to either Union Station or Quantico every few weeks.  During the early years of our relationship, Amtrak was part of the glue that kept us together. I’d save all of my money from working part time to catch the train on Thursday nights or Friday afternoon, and saw the same train crew most trips.  My trips home early Monday mornings were never easy, but at least I knew I’d get home safe, sound and on time. Pat moved back to Philadelphia after 2 years, and we’ve been married for almost 10 years and together for 15. Without Amtrak, I’m not sure we would’ve made it.” – Jess Vadino

lovetrain123“My boyfriend  Tony and I were returning to Washington, D.C. from a 2 week vacation to my hometown of San Diego when I just knew he was The One. I was a train aficionado who’d traveled from east coast to west several times, preferring the relaxed and peaceful pace of the train to  hurried and stressful air travel.  I managed to talk Tony into traveling cross-country on the train with me when I invited him home to meet my parents.  We shared a beautiful journey on the way out, drinking cocktails and playing chess with the Boy Scouts in the observation car, mingling with other passengers while enjoying delicious meals, and just sitting together quietly enjoying the countryside.  Three years, a wedding, and baby later, this April I am embarking on a cross-country voyage aboard the Southwest Chief. This time, however, I will be bringing our 1-year-old son with us. A new generation of train enthusiasts!” – Jennifer Schittino

Sigh. A good love story always gives us the warm and fuzzies. Book a trip with us and who knows? You may just meet the love of your life.  All aboard the love train!